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Top Healthcare Trends in 2023

Top Healthcare Trends in 2023

Healthcare organizations had to revisit their revenue cycle after the COVID-19 impact as they have to take care of more patients. In addition, the relaxation in the social distancing leads to greater number of patient visits to medical practices. Similarly, labs and...

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What Is Medical Credentialing & Why Is It Important?

What Is Medical Credentialing & Why Is It Important?

To understand “what is medical credentialing”, you need to focus on the process of getting affiliated with insurance payers. In addition, credentialing can be referred to as verification of healthcare providers whether they are qualified to provide care or not....

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7+ Healthcare KPIs Vital to Track For Your Medical-Business

7+ Healthcare KPIs Vital to Track For Your Medical-Business

The healthcare landscape is constantly changing, and with that comes new challenges for laboratories. One of the biggest challenges is billing and reimbursement, which can be complex and time-consuming. To make things easier, we’ve compiled a list of healthcare KPIs...

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What Are 3 Different Types Of Billing Systems in Healthcare?

What Are 3 Different Types Of Billing Systems in Healthcare?

A billing system in healthcare is a set of protocols and procedures that make sure that every task involved in revenue collections management is going great. That ultimately results in a streamlined administrative workflow as well as improved billing collections....

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